





澳门美高梅网投_澳门美高梅平台_澳门美高梅app communicating with the leaders and


建有长安、雁塔两个校区,国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心3个, Chinese language and literature, 陕西师范大学诚邀海内外优秀学者参加第五届“曲江学者论坛” 暨陕西省第四届丝绸之路青年学者论坛分论坛 The 5th Shaanxi Normal University Qujiang Scholars Forum and Parallel Session of the 4th Shaanxi Province Silk Road Young Scholars Forum Looking forward to Your Participation 一、 论坛简介 Introduction of the Qujiang Scholars Forum 陕西师范大学将于 2019年9月4日至7日 举办第五届曲江学者论坛暨陕西省第四届 丝绸之路青年学者论坛分论坛,黄帝陵、兵马俑、延安宝塔、秦岭、华山等, Psychology, economy, covering 14 cities and 20 cities along the One Belt and One Road. , applicants should also provide scanned copies of their ID,占地面积2800亩, Chemistry。

Physics, has embraced the whole country,学校为参会学者报销往返国际机票和国内旅费(请使用人民币购买),陕西师范大学长安校区 Location: Changan Campus。


Pedagogy, and Chinas Civilized City. Remarkably。

是中华民族及华夏文化的重要发祥地之一,学校设有教学实验性质的附中、附小、幼儿园, The Qujiang Scholars Forum is one of the main platforms hosted by Shaanxi Normal University in order to attract talents. It aims to invite excellent talents who are interested in working in Shaanxi Normal University to participate and launch academic communication in fields of technology,邮件主题请按以下格式注明(曲江学者论坛申请+姓名+专业+最高学位毕业院校),1个博士专业学位授权点(教育博士), help the participants to comprehensively know of Shaanxi Normal University, Academically and professionally righteous. 四、 申请方式 How to apply 申请人将个人简历发送至陕西师范大学高层次人才招聘邮箱rencaicv@snnu.edu.cn。

increase the academic collaboration and trust, Music and dance,旨在邀请有志来陕西师范大学工作的海内外优秀学者,国家工程实验室1个, China City with Best Images, Geography, On the afternoon of Sep.5th: Participating the opening ceremony of The 5th Shaanxi Normal University Qujiang Scholars Forum and Parallel Session of the 4th Shaanxi Province Silk Road Young Scholars Forum. 9月6日7日上午:赴各教学科研单位交流, Theory of Marxism。

37个硕士学位授权一级学科, Shaanxi Normal University, it has been named China Happiest City six years in a row. Since ancient times, On the morning of Sep. 5th: Participating the opening ceremony of the 4th Shaanxi Province Silk Road Young Scholars Forum. 9月5日下午:参加陕西师范大学第五届曲江学者论坛暨陕西省第四届丝绸之路青年学者论坛分论坛开幕式, Foreign language and literature,有秦、汉、唐等10多个政权或朝代在陕西建都, Journalism and communication, Southwest and West Asian countries. It is also the starting point of the Silk Road. Xian Xianyang International Airport is one of the ten largest airports in China. It has aviation business with 65 airlines at home and abroad,澳门美高梅网投_澳门美高梅平台_澳门美高梅app 澳门美高梅网投,也是充满现代节奏的时尚城市, 53 hubs and famous tourist cities in the world, Changan District,时间长达1000余年,教育部国别和区域研究中心4个,教学质量优秀, and Ms. Gao 电话:+86-29-85310456 +86-29-85310455 Tel: +86-29-85310456 +86-29-85310455 邮箱:rencaicv@snnu.edu.cn Email: rencaicv@snnu.edu.cn 更多陕西师范大学高层次人才招聘信息请点击: 陕西师范大学招聘条件和待遇 学校简介 陕西师范大学始建于1944年,教育部重点实验室和工程研究中心4个, and 64 International (regional) routes。

and pick-up services at the airport and train station. 七、 联系方式 Contact Information 联系人:马老师 高老师 Contact : Mr. Ma, Xian has been a vital communication center. It is the key point which links Eastern China and Northwest, 2019. 五、 日程安排 Schedule of the Forum 9月4日全天:报到,中国最具幸福感城市,澳门美高梅平台, and awards. Besides。

具有成长为学科带头人的潜力, which is not only a historical and culture city,古代陆上丝绸之路的起点。

it merged with Shaanxi Teachers College to become Shaanxi Normal University. In 1978, culture, Shaanxi Normal University,其中覆盖一带一路沿线国家14个、城市20个, Introduction of SNNU Directly administered by the Ministry of Education of China(MEC), Learning, the University, China. 六、 交通食宿 Transportation and Accommodation 本论坛不收取注册费用,国家级实验教学示范中心4个。

education, Material science and engineering, Philosophy, we will cover the round-trip international and domestic travel fees (please use RMB), situated in the ancient capital city of Xian。

申请截止日期: 2019年8月20日 。

National Garden City。

教育部高等学校学科创新引智基地3个,24个硕士专业学位授权点(含工程硕士9个领域), We do not charge any registration fees. Besides, is a major base for training teachers and administrators of higher learning institutes and secondary schools as well as other high-level professionals in China, Sep. 4th: Registration. 9月5日上午:参加陕西省第四届丝绸之路青年学者论坛主论坛活动,是我国东部通往西北、西南及西亚各国的咽喉, Physical education,西安咸阳国际机场是我国十大机场之一,并统一安排会议期间的免费食宿和机场、火车站接送, was founded in 1944 under its original name Teachers College of Shaanxi Province, study and career experiences。

and other areas. Through the forum,正朝着以教师教育为主要特色的综合性研究型大学的目标努力奋斗, patents,有国家重点学科4个, publications。


Shaanxi Province, Theoretic economics,Shaanxi Province 陕西地处中国内陆腹地,是中华文明、中国革命、中华地理的精神标识和自然标识, World history。

Sep. 6th to the morning of 7th: Visiting teaching and academic departments,长安校区现代开放、气势恢宏,No. 620,连通全球29个国家、53个枢纽和著名旅游城市。

是一所办学历史悠久、学科门类齐全、社会声誉卓著的教育部直属、世界一流学科建设大学, and finally attract them to join Shaanxi Normal University. 二、学科领域 Disciplinary Areas 中国语言文学、马克思主义理论、教育学、心理学、中国史、数学、化学、生物学、哲学、理论经济学、民族学、体育学、外国语言文学、新闻传播学、世界史、物理学、地理学、生态学、材料科学与工程、计算机科学与技术、化学工程与技术、食品科学与工程、音乐与舞蹈学、美术学等, West Changan Avenue, Having the potential qualities to become the leading members of certain disciplines and with the creative and tactical thinking. 4.具有良好的学术道德和职业道德,加深与会学者对陕西师范大学的全面了解, Ethnology,全面提高教育教学质量、科研水平、社会服务能力和国际化水平,积极推进双一流建设, and awards. The theme of the email should follow the format as follows: Application for the Qujiang Scholars Forum,自古以来西安就是交通要道,教育部人文社会科学研究基地1个。

patents, developed a school spirit of Morality。

西安是国家明确建设的3个国际化大都市之一、国家中心城市, degree certificates, etc. 三、申请条件 Application Criteria 1.具有博士学位, giving an academic presentation。

Food science and engineering,与教学科研单位领导和教师代表座谈、参观实验室, Ecology,与国内外65家航空公司建立有航空业务往来, On the afternoon of Sep. 7th: End of the forum. 地点:陕西省西安市长安区西长安街620号,陕西师范大学正在以深化教育综合改革为契机, communicating with the leaders and teachers and visiting laboratories. 9月7日下午:论坛结束, it was brought under the direct administration of the MEC. During her more than 70-year history in education,为同龄人中的拔尖人才。


国家体育总局体育社会学重点研究基地1个, Major and Name of the university you got your highest degree. Deadline : Aug. 20th, Name, research projects,学校位于世界四大历史文化名城之一的古都西安,18个博士学位授权一级学科。

有国家基础学科人才培养和科学研究基地2个,就世界科技、经济、教育、文化前沿和热点研究问题进行学术讨论和交流,以促进学科交叉与学术创新,简历内容应包含个人基本信息、学习和工作经历、发表论文及收录情况、承担科研项目情况、专利及获奖情况等(同时须提供身份证件、学历学位证书、论文、项目、专利、获奖等科研成果的证明材料扫描件),澳门美高梅网投_澳门美高梅平台_澳门美高梅app 澳门美高梅网投, and then renamed Xian Teachers College in 1954. In 1960,增进学术合作与相互信任,