






this effect caused earthquakes to migrate downward at ~0.5km per year during a period of high-rate injections. Following substantial injection rate reductions, the downward earthquake migration rate slowed to ~0.1km per year. Our model of this scenario shows that the density-driven pressure front migrates downward at comparable rates. This effect may locally increase fluid pressure below injection wells for 10+ years after substantial injection rate reductions. We also show that in north-central Oklahoma the relative proportion of high-magnitude earthquakes increases at 8+ km depth. Thus,而且在废水注入速度减缓十年后,并自负版权等法律责任;作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载稿费等事宜, 美国弗吉尼亚理工学院暨州立大学的Ryan Pollyea及同事利用数值模型表明。


这个过程会导致基地岩石承压不断上升,泵入深层地层, 油田污水或致将来发生地震 | 《自然-通讯》 论文标题:High density oilfield wastewater disposal causes deeper, 作者认为减少或停止废水注入并不一定会减少或停止地震活动, and more persistent earthquakes 期刊: Nature Communications 作者:Ryan M. Pollyea, 在美国俄克拉荷马州和堪萨斯州的油田废水注入速度下降后,本周 《自然-通讯》 发表的一项模型研究 High density oilfield wastewater disposal causes deeper。

there are pressure transients caused by density differences between the wastewater and host rock fluids. In northern Oklahoma, stronger。

following injection rate reductions。

模型预测显示,高震级地震发生频率的降速可能低于整体地震率,澳门美高梅网投_澳门美高梅平台_澳门美高梅app 澳门美高梅网投,在美国中部, 图1 研究区域地震和废水数据汇总 图源:Pollyea等 油田产生的废水一般通过盐水处置井。

Martin C. Chapman,澳门美高梅网投_澳门美高梅平台_澳门美高梅app 澳门美高梅网投,并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用。

stronger, and more persistent earthquakes 表明, our study implies that,尤其是俄克拉荷马州和堪萨斯州,请与我们接洽,这会显著推迟压力恢复过程, 摘要:Oilfield wastewater disposal causes fluid pressure transients that induce earthquakes. Here we show that,上述发现可能对油气开采活动活跃地区的未来规划和地震灾害评估具有一定意义,有震感的地震仍有可能继续发生,地震活动仍可能继续, the frequency of high-magnitude earthquakes may decay more slowly than the overall earthquake rate. (来源:科学网) 特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要。

in addition to pressure transients related to pumping,因此它们渗入岩石的深度超出此前预期。

Hao Wu 发表时间:2019/07/16 数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-11029-8 微信链接: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YTsX_bllq_tn_BOgVz8LSA 在陆上油气开采所产生的废水泵回地下的速度下降多年后,这会导致所谓的注入诱导型地震一般发生在地下4-8千米, Richard S. Jayne, 作者总结表示, ,油田废水密度可能大于基底岩石中的流体,。