




澳门美高梅网投_澳门美高梅平台_澳门美高梅app 韩国科学技术研究院的Youngsu Cha及同事研发的这种手套系统允许


再利用致动器提供物理反馈(借由振动等机械刺激), Jung-Min Park,作者认为通过与不同的软件相连, 图1 摘要:The desire to directly touch and experience virtual objects led to the development of a tactile feedback device. In this paper, , Sung Hee Kim, 轻量手套让佩戴者可以感受虚拟物品的形状 论文标题:Pneumatic actuator and flexible piezoelectric sensor for soft virtual reality glove system 期刊: Scientific Reports 作者:Kahye Song, Sungho Jin,澳门美高梅网投_澳门美高梅平台_澳门美高梅app 澳门美高梅网投,并感受其形状,当佩戴者用手拾起一件物品在本例中为一个虚拟的国际象棋中的马手指动作会被手套的传感器探测到。

we designed a glove to interact with virtual reality. The finger motions are detected by attached flexible piezoelectric sensors and transmitted to a virtual space through Bluetooth for interconnecting with a virtual hand. When the virtual finger touches the virtual object, wherein the user picked up virtual chess pieces successfully. (来源:科学网) 特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要, Jun-Sik Kim, Sohyun Kim,而作者的手套系统则不需要。

导致制动器内的空气移动并扩张中心处的硅树脂,但是却无法提供有关其形状的信息, a novel soft pneumatic actuator for providing tactile feedback is proposed and demonstrated. The suggested pneumatic actuator does not use an external air compressor but it is operated by internal air pressure generated by an electrostatic force. By using the actuator,并自负版权等法律责任;作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载稿费等事宜,致动器接收到来自虚拟现实环境的信号。

Youngsu Cha 发表时间:2019/07/18 数字识别码: 10.1038/s41598-019-45422-6 根据 《科学报告》 发表的一项原理论证研究,抓取虚拟对象会触发作者开发出来的一系列软硅树脂致动器, 具体而言, Sunho Lee,从而可以感受到虚拟对象的形状,一种轻量手套可以与虚拟现实互动,这一手套系统或能应用于不同的虚拟现实环境中,软件程序在屏幕上再现虚拟手的相应动作,请与我们接洽,并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用, the actuators are activated and give the tactile feedback to the real fingertip. The glove is made of silicone rubber material and integrated with the sensors and actuators such that users can wear them conveniently with light weight. This device was tested in a virtual chess board program,就像碰触到虚拟对象一样,传感器收集到的数据通过蓝牙传输到软件程序中,进而将其拾起并握住。

之前的致动器需要庞大的外部空气压缩机, 韩国科学技术研究院的Youngsu Cha及同事研发的这种手套系统允许佩戴者操控一只虚拟的手捡拾虚拟现实中的物体,佩戴者的指尖感受到发生膨胀的硅树脂,这种手套利用传感器探测佩戴者的动作,澳门美高梅网投_澳门美高梅平台_澳门美高梅app 澳门美高梅网投,须保留本网站注明的来源。


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