




澳门美高梅网投_澳门美高梅平台_澳门美高梅app Science等涉及到多个学科


因为有些综合性期刊如Nature, 1 The Nature Index journals The current 12-month window on natureindex.com includes data from primary research articles from the following science journals: ACS Nano (1272 articles) Advanced Functional Materials (1203 articles) Advanced Materials (1163 articles) American Journal of Human Genetics (175 articles) Analytical Chemistry (1965 articles) Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2421 articles) Applied Physics Letters (2203 articles) Astronomy Astrophysics (87 articles) Cancer Cell (155 articles) Cancer Research (282 articles) Cell (478 articles) Cell Host Microbe (159 articles) Cell Metabolism (117 articles) Cell Stem Cell (127 articles) Chemical Communications (2704 articles) Chemical Science (962 articles) Current Biology (442 articles) Developmental Cell (195 articles) Earth and Planetary Science Letters (594 articles) Ecology Letters (133 articles) Environmental Science and Technology (1410 articles) European Physical Journal C (927 articles) Genes Development (117 articles) Genome Research (161 articles) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (577 articles) Geology (264 articles) Geophysical Research Letters (1226 articles) Immunity (162 articles) Inorganic Chemistry (1639 articles) Journal of Biological Chemistry (1668 articles) Journal of Cell Biology (314 articles) Journal of Clinical Investigation (313 articles) Journal of Experimental Medicine (183 articles) Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (724 articles) Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (565 articles) Journal of High Energy Physics (1780 articles) Journal of Neuroscience (774 articles) Journal of the American Chemical Society (2482 articles) Macromolecules (1023 articles) Molecular Cell (368 articles) Molecular Psychiatry (26 articles) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters (238 articles) Nano Letters (1098 articles) Nature (588 articles) Nature Biotechnology (98 articles) Nature Cell Biology (105 articles) Nature Chemical Biology (124 articles) Nature Chemistry (149 articles) Nature Climate Change (124 articles) Nature Communications (4906 articles) Nature Genetics (175 articles) Nature Geoscience (128 articles) Nature Immunology (104 articles) Nature Materials (138 articles) Nature Medicine (193 articles) Nature Methods (130 articles) Nature Nanotechnology (136 articles) Nature Neuroscience (147 articles) Nature Photonics (98 articles) Nature Physics (156 articles) Nature Structural Molecular Biology (110 articles) Neuron (376 articles) Organic Letters (1932 articles) PLOS Biology (370 articles) PLOS Genetics (556 articles) Physical Review A (216 articles) Physical Review B (815 articles) Physical Review D (124 articles) Physical Review Letters (2632 articles) Physical Review X (273 articles) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (3391 articles) Proceedings of the Royal Society B (535 articles) Science (686 articles) Science Advances (870 articles) Science Translational Medicine (214 articles) The Astrophysical Journal Letters (563 articles) The EMBO Journal (214 articles) The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology (267 articles) The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (1049 articles) The Plant Cell (185 articles) Water Research (958 articles) eLife (1316 articles) 2 Subjects/journal groups 2.1 Chemistry ( 20 Journals ) Advanced Materials Analytical Chemistry Angewandte Chemie International Edition Chemical Communications Chemical Science Inorganic Chemistry Journal of the American Chemical Society Macromolecules Nano Letters Nature (only articles classified in this subject area) Nature Chemical Biology Nature Chemistry Nature Communications (only articles classified in this subject area) Nature Materials Nature Nanotechnology Organic Letters Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (only articles classified in this subject area) Science (only articles classified in this subject area) Science Advances (only articles classified in this subject area) The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2.2 Earth Environmental Sciences(16 Journals) Earth and Planetary Science Letters Ecology Letters Environmental Science and Technology Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Geology Geophysical Research Letters Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Nature (only articles classified in this subject area) Nature Climate Change Nature Communications (only articles classified in this subject area) Nature Geoscience Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (only articles classified in this subject area) Science (only articles classified in this subject area) Science Advances (only articles classified in this subject area) Water Research 2.3 Life Sciences(43 Journals) American Journal of Human Genetics Cancer Cell Cancer Research Cell Cell Host Microbe Cell Metabolism Cell Stem Cell Current Biology Developmental Cell Ecology Letters eLife Genes Development Genome Research Immunity Journal of Biological Chemistry Journal of Cell Biology Journal of Clinical Investigation Journal of Experimental Medicine Journal of Neuroscience Molecular Cell Molecular Psychiatry Nature (only articles classified in this subject area) Nature Biotechnology Nature Cell Biology Nature Chemical Biology Nature Communications (only articles classified in this subject area) Nature Genetics Nature Immunology Nature Medicine Nature Methods Nature Neuroscience Nature Structural Molecular Biology Neuron PLOS Biology PLOS Genetics Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (only articles classified in this subject area) Proceedings of the Royal Society B Science (only articles classified in this subject area) Science Advances (only articles classified in this subject area) Science Translational Medicine The EMBO Journal The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology The Plant Cell 2.4 Physical Sciences(24 Journals) ACS Nano Advanced Functional Materials Advanced Materials Applied Physics Letters Astronomy Astrophysics European Physical Journal C Journal of High Energy Physics Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters Nano Letters Nature (only articles classified in this subject area) Nature Communications (only articles classified in this subject area) Nature Materials Nature Nanotechnology Nature Photonics Nature Physics Physical Review A Physical Review B Physical Review D Physical Review Letters Physical Review X Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (only articles classified in this subject area) Science (only articles classified in this subject area) Science Advances (only articles classified in this subject area) The Astrophysical Journal Letters , Science等涉及到多个学科,澳门美高梅网投_澳门美高梅平台_澳门美高梅app 澳门美高梅网投,详见下述。

因此按照学科分类的期刊总数超过82种,澳门美高梅网投_澳门美高梅平台_澳门美高梅app 澳门美高梅网投,因此我们先按照期刊名称字母顺序列出自然指数统计期刊一览表,澳门美高梅平台,如果按照学科分类主要包括化学( 20 种期刊)、地球与环境科学( 16 种期刊)、生命科学( 43 种期刊)以及物理学( 24 种期刊), 82 种自然指数统计期刊 诸平 自然指数( Nature Index )的计算结果来自 82 种 期刊 ,。